Expenses Policy
Last updated Jul 19th, 2022 | Page history | Improve this page | Report an issue
Support the team building MODX with a monthly donation.
The budget raised through OpenCollective is transparent, including payouts, and any contributor can apply to be paid for their work on MODX.
$290 per month—let's make that $500!
Learn moreThese policies are subject to change.
Policy for expenditure on the MODX Security Team¶
- Must be an active volunteer on the MODX Security Team
- Must keep a statement of time spent on specific reported issues - initially not intended to cover pentesting/auditing until budget grows
- Expense must be approved by Security Team Lead (Jason)
- Hourly rate capped at $50/hr
- Capped at 60 hours per year ($3000) per volunteer, may be removed if overall budget allows
Policy for expenditure on Core Development¶
- Must be an active volunteer core developer on the Integrators Team (i.e. have merge access), or someone assigned by the Integrators Team before the work is performed
- Covers time spent on project work for the MODX core: generic maintenance, reviewing submissions, merging submissions, project management (prioritisation/triage)
- Also covers time spent on development of features, improvements, or bug fixes that have been approved by a majority of the Integrators Team. The exact process of such approvals is to be determined.
- Expense must be approved by Code Owners (Jason, Mark) once work is done.
- Hourly rate capped at $40/hr
- Capped at 200 hours per year ($8000) per volunteer and 40 hours per month ($1600), may be removed if overall budget allows
Policy for one-off projects¶
- Detailed pitch including estimated budget must be provided on the Core Development forum
- Hourly rate capped at $40/hr for development, design, or project management on larger projects
- Total cap for a one-off projects is one month of the OpenCollective budget if at least three times the total project budget is currently in the balance
- The pitch must be approved by a supermajority (2/3rds) of the Integrators Team prior to performing the work
Policy for bounties¶
- Bounties are a fixed reward for a specific issue or feature
- Bounties must be pre-approved and set by the OpenCollective admins
- The work must be accepted by the integrators team before a bounty may be claimed
Policy for MODX Event Sponsorship¶
- To request sponsorship, please contact the OpenCollective admins. Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- Generally speaking, sponsorship is limited to $15 per attendee, may be increased if overall budget allows
- Only for community events. This means sponsorship will not be offered to in-house company events or events that are invite-only.
It's worth nothing payouts to Russia and Ukraine are currently limited on Open Collective. Hopefully we'll be able to involve our Russian community in this funding in the future.