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What is ConvertDatabaseCharset?

ConvertDatabaseCharset is a utility to safely convert a database from one character set to another (e.g., Latin1 -> utf-8). Be sure to read the complete documentation before using ConvertDatabaseCharset.


This version of the ConvertDatabaseCharset extra was developed by Bob Ray. It was first posted to GitHub on Jul 26, 2014. As of Jun 14, 2017 it had been last updated on Dec 14, 2014, and had 25 commits.

It is currently maintained by Bob Ray.


ConvertDatabaseCharset can be downloaded from the documentation page (see below).

Development and Bug Reporting

ConvertDatabaseCharset is stored and developed using GitHub, and can be found here: ConvertDatabaseCharset GitHub main page.

Bugs and feature requests can be filed here: ConvertDatabaseCharset issues page..

Questions about how to use ConvertDatabaseCharset should be posted on the MODX Forums.


The full documentation for ConvertDatabaseCharset can be found at the author's web site (Bob's Guides): ConvertDatabaseCharset Documentation.