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Learn moreGallerriffic Plugin for Gallery¶
The Gallerriffic Plugin allows you to quickly output a Gallery and display its images. It requires you to have jQuery already loaded in the page for it to work.
Simply add this parameter to the Gallery snippet:
[[!Gallery? &plugin=`galleriffic`]]
Available Properties¶
Galleriffic will override the following properties in the Gallery snippet. If you want to override them, simply pass the galleriffic-prefixed property instead.
Name | Overrides | Description | Default Value |
gallerifficThumbTpl | thumbTpl | The thumb Chunk to use for each Item. | GallerifficItemThumb |
gallerifficContainerTpl | containerTpl | The container Chunk to wrap content with. | Galleriffic |
gallerifficThumbWidth | thumbWidth | The width of the thumbnails. | 75 |
gallerifficThumbHeight | thumbHeight | The height of the thumbnails. | 75 |
Galleriffic also comes with a few of its own, custom properties. You can pass these into the Gallery snippet to override their defaults.
Name | Description | Default Value |
numThumbs | The number of thumbnails to show per page. | 15 |
navigationWidth | The width, in pixels, of the navigation. | 300px |
enableTopPager | Whether or not to show the top pagination. | 1 |
enableBottomPager | Whether or not to show the bottom pagination. | 1 |
maxPagesToShow | Maximum number of pages to show. | 7 |
renderSSControls | Whether or not to render the slideshow controls. | 1 |
renderNavControls | Whether or not to render the navigation controls. | 1 |
enableHistory | Whether or not to enable history. | 0 |
autoStart | Whether or not to automatically start the slideshow. | 0 |
defaultTransitionDuration | The duration, in milliseconds, of transitions. | 500 |
thumbsContainerSel | The CSS selector of the container holding the thumbnails. | #gal-gaff-thumbs |
imageContainerSel | The CSS selector of the container holding the main image. | #gal-gaff-slideshow |
captionContainerSel | The CSS selector of the container holding the caption. | #gal-gaff-caption |
controlsContainerSel | The CSS selector of the container holding the nav controls. | #gal-gaff-controls |
loadingContainerSel | The CSS selector of the container holding the loading screen. | #gal-gaff-loading |
playLinkText | The text used for the Play Slideshow link. | |
pauseLinkText | The text used for the Pause Slideshow link. | |
prevLinkText | The text used for the Previous Photo link. | |
nextLinkText | The text used for the Next Photo link. | |
prevPageLinkText | The text used for the Previous Page link. | |
nextPageLinkText | The text used for the Next Page link. |
Use the Galleriffic plugin, but only display 10 thumbs per page:
&album=`My Photos`
Hide the pagination and 'show slideshow' controls, but automatically start the slideshow:
&album=`My Photos`