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Learn moreLexRating (by goldsky) is a jQuery's star rating plugin, based on rateit.codeplex.com (by gidon).
For MODX implementation, this extra uses AJAX to store the rating.
All issues can be notified in its github's page.
You can get it by downloading it via Package Manager.
There are 2 snippets for this package:
- LexRating,
- LexRatingList, to list the rating results.
There is a Quip's hook: LexRatingQuipPostHook, to create a star rating on each comment. Think about a comment based star rating.
This snippet offers web visitor to give a rating into an object/item, based on the given name. This snippet checks the visitor's IP address, and if visitor logged in, the visitor's ID
Name | Description | Example | Default Value | Options |
name | Defines the name of the rating's item | &name=[[*pagetitle]] |
[[*id]] |
string |
group | Defines the rating's group name. | |||
This will be useful to compare the results using LexRatingList | &group=articles |
modResource | string | |
userGroups | Defines who is able to vote. | &userGroups=Members |
empty | comma separated group names |
extended | (@since 1.0.0-beta.2) To set and get an additional extended parameter of individual vote account | &extended={"quipReplyId":" [[+idprefix]]``[[+id]]"} |
empty | practically any string |
initialAjax | Load the initial values using Ajax | &initialAjax=1 |
1 | 1 |
readOnly | (@since 1.0.0-beta.2) read only mode | &readOnly=1 |
1 | 1 |
tpl | Template chunk for the output, can be chunk or file based chunk. | &tpl=``[[++core_path]]templates/blabla.tpl |
lexrating | chunk name or file path |
css | CSS filename | &css=assets/templates/css/blabla.css |
assets/components/lexrating/default/css/lexrating.css | string |
js | Javascript filename | &css=assets/templates/js/blabla.js |
assets/components/lexrating/default/js/lexrating.js | string |
loadjQuery | Auto load/disable jQuery | &loadjQuery=0 |
1 | 1 |
phsPrefix | Prefix for placeholders | &phsPrefix=blabla. |
lexrating. | string |
toArray | Return an array of placeholders | &toArray=1 |
null | 1 |
toPlaceholder | Save the output into the given name placeholder | &toPlaceholder=my_rating |
null | string |
To get the complete placeholders, just use &toArray=1
to spit out the keys.
Name | Description |
[[+lexrating.name]] |
The name you specify in the snippet |
[[+lexrating.group]] |
The group name you specify in the snippet |
[[+lexrating.total.voters]] |
Total number of the voters |
[[+lexrating.initialAjax]] |
The property you set in the snippet call |
If you just want to display a rating of an item, use this
This snippet retrieves the items of the LexRating's results based on the given group name.
Name | Description | Example | Default Value | Options |
group | The group name to be retrieved | &group=articles |
modResource | string |
limit | Limit the number of ouput | &limit=10 |
10 | int |
offset | Query's limit offset | &offset=10 |
0 | int |
sort | Sorting direction | &sort=asc |
desc | asc (lo-hi) |
tplListWrapper | Template chunk for wrapper, can be chunk or file based chunk | &tplListWrapper=lexratinglist.wrapper |
lexratinglist.wrapper | chunk name or file path |
tplListItem | Template chunk for each item, can be chunk or file based chunk | &tplListItem=lexratinglist.item |
lexratinglist.item | chunk name or file path |
css | CSS filename | &css=assets/templates/css/blabla.css |
assets/components/lexrating/default/css/lexrating.css | string |
js | Javascript filename | &css=assets/templates/js/blabla.js |
assets/components/lexrating/default/js/lexrating.js | string |
loadjQuery | Auto load/disable jQuery | &loadjQuery=0 |
1 | 1 |
phsPrefix | Prefix for placeholders | &phsPrefix=blabla. |
lexrating. | string |
toArray | Return an array of placeholders | &toArray=1 |
null | 1 |
toPlaceholder | Save the output into the given name placeholder | &toPlaceholder=my\_rating |
null | string |
To get the complete placeholders, just use &toArray=1
to spit out the keys.
Name | Description |
[[+lexrating.list.items]] |
The holder of the list of the items |
Name | Description |
[[+lexrating.name]] |
The name you specify in the snippet |
[[+lexrating.group]] |
The group name you specify in the snippet |
[[+lexrating.total.voters]] |
Total number of the voters |
[[+lexrating.initialAjax]] |
The property you set in the snippet call |
[[LexRatingList? &group=
This hook requires quip's thread name. This only works once for each IP Address + userID. So any logged in user can not vote twice.
On the quip's call, try to use this as an example:
[[LexRatingList? &group=`articles`]]
This hook requires quip's thread name. This only works once for each IP Address + userID. So any logged in user can not vote twice.
On the quip's call, try to use this as an example:
<p>Total Rating:</p>
&group=`Overall Rating`
<br />
<br />
You can sync the connection between the thread's name (eg:threadNameHere) with the LexRating inside the other chunk, lexrating.quipComment Basically, it only adds up the LexRating call but with the proper properties to make this works:
&group=`Overall Rating`
&group is for the title, &name must be as same as the quip's thread name
What &extended does is only to identify each of the vote. You can change it anything, as long as it's the same with what the lexrating.quip needs for its placeholder.
You must specify different names for the quip's thread names, remember to change/duplicate part of the chunks:
the duplicate of lexrating.quipAddComment
<!-- replace lexrating_groupName's value with what you have as the &group -->
<input type="hidden" name="lexrating_groupName" value="Overall Rating" />
<!-- but leave this one untouched because the &name is using the same placeholder [[+thread]] anyway -->
<input type="hidden" name="lexrating_objectName" value="[[+thread]]" />
the duplicate of lexrating.quipComment
&group=`Overall Rating` // <== replace this
You need to empty out the database when testing, because LexRating fills up the data automatically, while the access is limited to once per IP/user ID