MIGX.sortable resourcelist
Last updated Dec 7th, 2019 | Page history | Improve this page | Report an issue
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Learn moreIn this Tutorial we will learn how we can use MIGX to select a set of Resources from a given parent and sort the ouput-order.
First off we will need to install MIGX by Package Management and do some basic configurations. Version required: 2.5.2 +
Create the Resourceoptions - chunk¶
- Create a new chunk
- name:
- content:
Change the parent to the ID where you want to get the resourcelist from
Create the Configuration for the MIGX-TV¶
- Go to: Components->MIGX->Tab: MIGX
- Create a new Configuration with 'add item'
- name:
- name:
- Click 'Done' to save the new Configuration
- right-click on the new configuration and select 'import/export'
- copy/paste this code into the textarea:
"formtabs": [{
"MIGX_id": 1,
"caption": "main",
"print_before_tabs": "0",
"fields": [{
"MIGX_id": 1,
"field": "active",
"caption": "Active",
"description": "",
"description_is_code": "0",
"inputTV": "",
"inputTVtype": "listbox",
"configs": "",
"sourceFrom": "config",
"sources": "[]",
"inputOptionValues": "yes==1||no==0",
"default": "0"
"MIGX_id": 2,
"field": "comment",
"caption": "Comment",
"description": "",
"description_is_code": "0",
"inputTV": "",
"inputTVtype": "textarea",
"configs": "",
"sourceFrom": "config",
"sources": "[]",
"inputOptionValues": "",
"default": ""
"MIGX_id": 3,
"field": "pagetitle",
"caption": "",
"description": "",
"description_is_code": "0",
"inputTV": "",
"inputTVtype": "hidden",
"configs": "",
"sourceFrom": "config",
"sources": "[]",
"inputOptionValues": "",
"default": ""
"MIGX_id": 4,
"field": "id",
"caption": "",
"description": "",
"description_is_code": "0",
"inputTV": "",
"inputTVtype": "hidden",
"configs": "",
"sourceFrom": "config",
"sources": "[]",
"inputOptionValues": "",
"default": ""
"contextmenus": "",
"actionbuttons": "",
"columnbuttons": "",
"filters": "[]",
"extended": {
"migx_add": "",
"formcaption": "",
"update_win_title": "",
"win_id": "migx_input_options",
"maxRecords": "",
"multiple_formtabs": "",
"extrahandlers": "this.handleColumnSwitch",
"packageName": "",
"classname": "",
"task": "",
"getlistsort": "",
"getlistsortdir": "",
"use_custom_prefix": "0",
"prefix": "",
"grid": "",
"gridload_mode": 1,
"check_resid": 1,
"check_resid_TV": "",
"join_alias": "",
"getlistwhere": "",
"joins": "",
"cmpmaincaption": "",
"cmptabcaption": "",
"cmptabdescription": "",
"cmptabcontroller": "",
"winbuttons": "",
"onsubmitsuccess": "",
"submitparams": ""
"columns": [{
"MIGX_id": 1,
"header": "Pagetitle",
"dataIndex": "pagetitle",
"width": "",
"sortable": "false",
"show_in_grid": 1,
"renderer": "",
"clickaction": "",
"selectorconfig": "",
"renderoptions": "[]"
"MIGX_id": 2,
"header": "Active",
"dataIndex": "active",
"width": "",
"sortable": "false",
"show_in_grid": 1,
"renderer": "this.renderSwitchStatusOptions",
"clickaction": "switchOption",
"selectorconfig": "",
"renderoptions": [{
"MIGX_id": 1,
"name": "published",
"value": 1,
"clickaction": "",
"handler": "",
"image": "assets\/components\/migx\/style\/images\/tick.png"
"MIGX_id": 2,
"name": "unpublished",
"value": "0",
"clickaction": "",
"handler": "",
"image": "assets\/components\/migx\/style\/images\/cross.png"
"MIGX_id": 3,
"header": "Comment",
"dataIndex": "comment",
"width": "",
"sortable": "false",
"show_in_grid": 1,
"renderer": "",
"clickaction": "",
"selectorconfig": "",
"renderoptions": "[]"
"MIGX_id": 4,
"header": "",
"dataIndex": "x",
"width": "",
"sortable": "false",
"show_in_grid": "0",
"renderer": "this.renderChunk",
"clickaction": "",
"selectorconfig": "",
"renderoptions": "[]"
"MIGX_id": 5,
"header": "ID",
"dataIndex": "id",
"width": "",
"sortable": "false",
"show_in_grid": 1,
"renderer": "",
"clickaction": "",
"selectorconfig": "",
"renderoptions": "[]"
Create the MIGX - TV¶
Create a new TV
- Tab: General Information
- name:
- name:
- Tab: Input Options
- Input Type: migx
- Input Option Values:
@CHUNK migx_resourceoptions
- Configurations:
- Tab: Template Access
- select the Template where you want to add this TV
Select and sort Resources¶
Now you should be able to select Resources and sort them by drag/drop them to a new position. You can also add additional infos, like a comment.
Get the Sorted and filtered Resourcelist at frontend¶
Add this snippet-tag to your template/resource-content: