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Learn moreQuip's tplComment Chunk¶
This is the Chunk displayed with the &tplComment property on the Quip.Quip snippet.
Default Value¶
<li class="[[+cls]]" id="[[+idprefix]][[+id]]" [[+depth_margin:notempty=`style="padding-left: [[+depth_margin]]px"`]]>
<div id="[[+idprefix]][[+id]]-div" class="quip-comment-body [[+alt]]">
<div class="quip-comment-right">
[[+gravatarUrl:notempty=`<img src="[[+gravatarUrl]]" class="quip-avatar" alt="" />`]]
<p class="quip-comment-meta">
<span class="quip-comment-author">[[+authorName]]:</span><br />
<span class="quip-comment-createdon"><a href="[[+url]]">[[+createdon]]</a>
[[+approved:if=`[[+approved]]`:is=`1`:then=``:else=`- <em>[[%quip.unapproved? &namespace=`quip` &topic=`default`]]</em>`]]
<div class="quip-comment-text">
[[+replyUrl:notempty=`<p><span class="quip-reply-link"><a href="[[+replyUrl]]">[[%quip.reply? &namespace=`quip` &topic=`default`]]</a></span></p>`]]
<div class="quip-comment-options">
<div class="quip-break"></div>
[[+children:notempty=`<ol class="quip-comment-list">[[+children]]</ol>`]]
Available Placeholders¶
Name | Description |
thread | The thread of the comment. |
parent | The comment's parent. Defaults to 0. |
resource | The ID of the resource associated with the thread of this comment. |
rank | The comment's rank. |
author | The ID of the User who posted this comment. Only applies if the user was logged-in; otherwise it will be 0. |
body | The text of the comment. |
createdon | The timestamp of when this comment was created. |
editedon | The timestamp of when this comment was last edited. |
approved | Whether or not this comment has been approved. |
approvedby | The ID of the User who approved this comment. 0 if moderation is disabled. |
approvedon | A timestamp of when this comment was approved. |
name | The name of the author of the comment. |
The email of the author of the comment. | |
website | The website of the author of the comment, if provided. |
ip | The IP that this comment was posted from. |
deleted | Whether or not this comment has been deleted. |
deletedon | The timestamp when this comment was deleted. Empty if not deleted. |
deletedby | The User ID of the user who deleted this comment. 0 if not deleted. |
idx | The index of the current row iteration. |
alt | Whether or not this is an alternate row. |
url | The direct URL of the comment. |
threaded | Whether or not the comment is in a thread with threading support. |
depth | The depth of the comment. |
depth_margin | The margin in pixels of the comment, due to the depth. |
cls | The CSS class applied to the comment. |
md5email | The email of the author of the comment, md5'ed. |
gravatarIcon | The Gravatar icon type. |
gravatarSize | The Gravatar icon size. |
allowRemove | Whether or not the current user can remove this comment. |
reported | If this comment has been reported as spam. |
options | Any moderation options for the comment. |
report | The link to report this comment as spam. |
authorName | The name of the author of the comment. |
replyUrl | The URL for threaded comments where the reply form is located. |